It’s true I’ve been slacking on posting about your new developments these past few months,
mainly because it seems I have more specific occurrences to blog about,
but believe me you have changed so much in just a few short
months. It is what makes moms proud and sad
(see previous weepy post.) For right now though I want to reminisce
about all of your wonderful little 21 month old quirks!
Longer Hair: Your hair has grown so much (to me) in
just a few short months! I can see us needing to put it up when the
warmer weather sets in because no one likes sweaty hair stuck to their
neck. On the other hand, you hate it when I try
to put anything in your hair so we shall see what kind of epic battles
One Week On/ One Week Off: Right now you seem to
have dipped your toe into the terrible twos. I say that because every
other week you will be beside yourself, literally falling on the floor
when something does not go your way. I’m talking
every morning I drop you off at daycare you are on the floor in a fit
of hysterics and when we get home every day if even the smallest thing
goes wrong you’re back to the ground physically showing your
disapproval. Then, the tides will turn and we will go
through a week of pure joy, laughter, hugs, kisses, patience and boy is
it amazing! I hope we can keep this balance for the remainder of the
terrible twos but for now I’m not counting on it.
Potty Training: Since I wrote a post a few weeks back you have maybe gone potty 4 times on the potty. I am nervous 2 years will come and go and I will have to “amp it up” as one Billy Banks would say. Hey maybe I can get him to come over to tackle this potty training thing. He seems ready to take on any challenge and his coaching abilities are top notch!
Singing: I’m not sure if I posted on this before
but you have become quite the song bird. Your current favorites are itsy
bitsy spider and bingo.
Repeater: You don’t always do it right away, but
you WILL repeat ANYTHING you’ve heard. Even if it was said in passing
like a month ago, nothing is off limits. And I hate to admit it but
lately God and Jesus have entered your vocabulary
and not in a prayerful way. I am hoping you didn’t pick those sayings
up from me but eeerrr uuumm you do ride in the car with me twice a day
every day so yeah. Just so folks don’t think we are sinful name
slanderers, you do also say “oh boy oh boy” and “oooooh
maaaaaaan” and “yippie!” which I find ridiculously cute!
Reading: Lately you love to pick up books and
“Read” them to anyone who will sit still for you. You’ve even memorized
the book “Brown Bear Brown Bear” which is adorable.
Shapes: Your other favorite thing is shapes!
Whenever we color together you always ask me to draw a circle, square,
or triangle. Both your father and I have geometric minds so you seem to
be following right in our footsteps.