Hello there! A big hiddy ho 2015! Sorry to be just checking in now but we have been busy doing....not a whole lot. I guess between the blahs of winter and trying to actually figure out a new routine I've been occupied. Also it's been really busy and stressful at work so when I get home I just want to stare at the wall...or a tv show with a ridiculously easy to follow plot. And I am also reeeeeeally trying to finish a book so I can finally read the book my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas that she keeps asking if I've read (please dear lord let that book be a page turner, or we could be discussing it over watermelon in July.)
As far as the routine goes with Emma's new school, I think we are getting pretty settled. Change has always been difficult for me so easing my family into something new while having to adjust myself has been challenging. Surprisingly, Emma has transitioned really well into her new school. Actually, I shouldn't say surprisingly because she is a social butterfly. She has her shy moments but every time we went to visit her new school she ran around like she owned the place and so far, it's still that way. It still feels weird to me not having her in the building with me at work. Not that I ever saw her or anything but I miss having her close, even though she is only about 15 minutes away from my office (10 minutes or less from home - aka: shorter witching hour car ride!)
As far as I can tell from the short periods of time I spend there, the new school is warm and welcoming for her. She has learned new songs and seems to be making new friends (although I still don't know all of their names.) By the time I pick her up, she is in the aftercare room with a bunch of different kids so I haven't met all of her classmates yet which is kind of odd to me since at her last school they were all full time kids so they were together all the time.
We will be attending our first social event at the new place on Friday, they are having a pizza/ movie /pajamas night (they will be screening Frozen of course.) So, I suppose I will have to be social and talk to other parents, which I am terrified of doing, but who knows, I could make a friend. I will be glad to spend more time at the school than just running in and out to pick Emma up. I knew the other daycare so well because I used to go down there every day on my lunch break to see Emma when she was a baby. In doing so, I learned a lot about the staff and the other kids and the parents. I don't have that at the new place which I miss. Also, (it's a blessing and a curse)...they don't hand out sheets of paper with information on them at the end of the day so, I have no idea how many times she went potty or if she napped or what they did in class that day (however they do save trees every day so there's that). I suppose this is where I should stop my working mom hurriedness and actually talk to the people there to see what the goings on are but this requires time and...what's that other thing....oh yeah....effort. Even though the place is closer to home it still takes me the same amount of time to drive over and get her after work and head home. Who knows, maybe I will bond with the teachers and parents over pizza and Frozen.
Other than that 2015 has been ok. I might be lacking in positivity these days but again, the winter blues have me in their icy grip so we shall see how things go for the next bone chilling month. I am really hoping to pop in here at least once a week still. I might try to work on a tv post and a bedtime post so stay tuned for those (but don't hold your breath.) How has your 2015 been so far? How did you adjust to your child going to a new school?