Monday, October 26, 2015

The Green Pumpkin

I am planning to do a recap of our October adventures but this story stuck out to me among all the other little adventures so I figured I'd give it its own post. 

I'm guessing if you read the title of this post you know this picture is not of a tomato. It's the tiniest, greenest pumpkin I've ever seen. I should have put it next to something for scale but if you look in the upper right hand corner of the picture, that's Emma's jacket pocket to put it into perspective.

This story starts out like so many others have lately, with a trip to Emma's cubby at school. It was pumpkin patch field trip day and like any overly excited mother, I wanted to hear every single detail and description of the day. I was also really excited to see Emma's pumpkin because one simply cannot have enough Fall decor around. As I was trying to decode the events of the day from a three year old's perspective, we passed by rows and rows of cubbies. Some were overflowing with papers, others had stray pant legs dangling, and others still were crammed full of bags of diapers but one thing they all had in common, within each cubby sat a perfectly round orange pumpkin. Each one had a name lovingly scribed into the side in Sharpie ink. And I'm sure each one was carefully selected by its new owner to make the journey home.

At this point I was overflowing with excitement to coddle Emma's pumpkin perfection in my arms! However, as we approached her cubby, something strange happened. A wave of panic crashed over me. As I peeked into the cubby, all I saw was the same old predictable, massive pile of papers laying in wait. Confused, I reached for the stack when something caught my eye. Sitting innocently under the pile was a tiny green pumpkin...with a massive dead vine attached to it. I cocked my head to the side and looked at Emma unsure of what this was. There must have been some mistake. "Emma is this your pumpkin?" "Yes," she said sure as ever. I tipped it up and my worst fears were confirmed when I saw her name scrawled across the bottom.

At this point I started to laugh because really, what can you do? Certainly not be upset that your 3 year old brought home the great pumpkin's severely underdeveloped cousin. Of course something like this would happen, it's a metaphor for my life! Even expecting a normal outcome from something so small was too much to ask. I could not even count on having my kid get an orange pumpkin in a world seemingly full of them. Was I being over dramatic...perhaps. As long as Emma was happy, I was ok with the outcome.

That's when my sister shed some light on the situation for me, how special this pumpkin was. Out of twenty some kids, mine was the only one who picked a green pumpkin. She saw the uniqueness and potential in it and wanted to bring it home. She didn't need an orange pumpkin. In fact to her, a big, round, orange pumpkin did not mean perfection. This little green pumpkin, that would have probably been over looked and ended up pumpkin mush, is now adorning Emma's craft table in all it's mighty green glory. Once again, I find myself learning a lesson  from my child, something I knew already but am grateful for the reminder of. There is beauty in everything and maybe even more so in the differences in life. Also, my kid isn't a crowd follower. She really does move to the beat of her own unique drum. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to be reminded of that on a random Monday night.

I wanted to add this picture her school sent home later in the week of her lovingly picking her pumpkin!

The Awkward Mom