Ah yes, my fellow work out of the home moms holla! I have
decided to complete my mommy trilogy posts with a virtual high five to the work
out of the home moms.
Hello and welcome to our overly scheduled, grab and go, oh
crap I forgot to put the laundry in the drier four days ago life. Ever wonder
what it’s like for work at home moms? Well let me walk you through a day in the
5:30-5:45am: Wake up make bottles/ get diaper bag packed (if
I’m lucky and the baby does not wake up first)
6:00am: Sing Good Morning song/get baby changed/ dressed/
daddy feeds while mommy gets ready; aka run around looking for anything to
wear that might be considered acceptable work attire
6:20-6:30am: Load car/ head off / battle weather and unruly
drivers without exhibiting road rage in front of impressionable child
6:50am: Drop off baby at daycare – unload food/ label
everything/fill out entire page of redundant information on daycare sheet/ give
hugs and kisses/ pull self off of child and run to the door before feet turn
around to grab child and head for the hills
7:00am: Time to work – attend various meetings/ work on
countless spreadsheets
10:00am: Miss baby/ contemplate visiting at daycare then
realize leaving her crying due to separation anxiety would be too hard
11:30am: Lunch/ gaze longingly at sunlight/ if remembered to
bring book, read book/ if remembered to bring workout clothes go to gym for 20
1:30ish: Need a break from staring at spreadsheet glance
over and see picture of baby/ become nostalgic/ keep glancing at picture/ move
picture out of sightline
3:30pm: Work is over/ pick up baby
3:45pm: juggle baby/ diaper bag/ empty bottles/ food containers/
battle weather and rowdy drivers/ hope no car seat meltdowns happen
4:15pm: Get home/ have to use the restroom but have clingy
child I missed all day/ contemplate how to multitask my way through that
situation/ end up holding it
4:15-5:15pm: Play with baby!
5:15pm: Feed dinner/ hopefully something is already made/
find easily mashable food
5:30pm: Throw used containers in bucket/ get everything
ready for bath time
5:35pm: Look for rubber ducky/ try to wad up washcloth to
resemble rubber ducky/ give up and rush through bath before rubber ducky disappearance
is discovered
5:45-5:50pm: Wrestling match aka: putting pjs on (5 minutes
is a conservative estimate for this)
6:00pm: Feed bottle in quiet dark room/ baby pops up after
bottle consumption energetic as ever
6:15pm: After observing an eye rub become bold and lay baby down
in crib
6:30pm: After a little back and forth baby is asleep/ start
dinner/ wash millions of food containers/ bottles/ rushing water reminds me I
never used the restroom/ use the restroom
7:00pm: Try to clean a little/ while cleaning spot tv
remote, remember dvr is full
7:30pm: Husband is home/ eat dinner/ blog
9:00- 10:00pm: Pass out after possibly showering/ hope I
have clean clothes for tomorrow
10:00pm-5:45am: Baby sporadically wakes up
And that about sums it up. I do the majority of the cleaning
and errand running on the weekends along with laying out all of Emma’s outfits
for the week, one less thing to have to worry about. Now if only I could do
that with my clothes and finally start to meal plan I might feel like I have a
tiny hold on things. We shall see if that day ever happens.
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