Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Reasons to Follow Me on Instagram and Twitter

Ok folks it’s social media awareness day here. Right now I am working on streamlining a new layout for my blog, and twitter (story to come). I will be testing things out from time to time across all mediums and it would be awesome if you would come along for the ride!
Here are the top 5 reasons you should follow me on instagram and twitter:

    1.     Fun fun FUN: I love having fun and sharing all of my adventures with you. And I love hearing about yours.

    2.     Living in the moment: Wondering what I am up to during the day? If you want up to the minute reports on the latest tantrum or mommy conundrum then my twitter and instagram feeds are the place to be!

    3.     Pictures! Below I have included some gems, some of which I only post to instagram so for the exclusivity of it all I dare say you should follow.

    4.     Notifications of my posts: That’s right, if you aren’t already following me on Google+ or have me saved to your Google Reader (RIP) then my twitter feed is a great way to get the first notification of a new post cause let’s face it you are all sitting around waiting to hear my pearly words.

    5.     I like friends: I love interacting with new people and while sometimes I get busy (gasp I know) to the point where I cannot pick up my phone, I still back track and read almost all of the past tweets so your thoughtful posts will not go unnoticed!

And there you have it. If I haven’t convinced you in 5 rambling points then there’s a possibility I never will. I know some people avoid social media and maybe you enjoy reading actual full paragraphs of information and hey that’s ok too. Either way I’m honored to have you as part of my chaotic life. 

Follow Me: Twitter @pearlywordsofch Instagram @pearlywordsofchaos 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, you sound like an amazing person! haha i have truly enjoyed reading this post! And have now followed you on Google, Twitter and Instagram!
    Thanks for stopping by http://www.workfromhomewithkids.net I look forward to your future posts!


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