Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 A Year of Wondrous Feats

Yes, yes this is your run of the mill, regular old year recap but I thought I would jazz up the title because in all honesty, this was an incredible year for our little family. We all accomplished amazing feats. Looking back I can't believe how fast it all went by and how many changes we all went through. It was a truly remarkable year, so I will do my best to keep it short and sweet but there was just so mush awesomeness jam packed into 52 short weeks. Thar being said, every year has it tough times and in the most recent years, Thomas and I have gone through some real struggles so I can safely say that 2013 was our best year yet.

What can I say, 2013 was Emma's year. I can hardly believe that just a year ago she was still crawling and putting everything in her mouth. Now, she runs everywhere and can talk up a storm.

This year also held a lot of firsts, first swim class, first soccer class, first trip to the zoo, first trip to the beach, first birthday, and much more.

The dogs:
We had a few scary moments this year, mostly involving Stanley our oldest, a boxer mix. He had to get surgery on his knee and then a few weeks later, he ran away from home. We were lucky that everything worked out in both situations as he recovered quickly and he was found the very next day after getting lost.

Thomas really stepped up as a dad this year and took on a lot more responsibility. When I had to change my commute he was able to take Emma to daycare every morning. He also got a promotion at work and changed store locations which allowed him to be home more often. It is beautiful to see his bond with Emma grow.

This year I changed jobs twice and saw my career evolve into something I dreamed of. I finally figured out how to let go of some of the working mom guilt as I saw Emma learning so much from her daycare environment. I haven't written about it much but this year I stepped up my fitness routine and I am feeling healthier and more fit. I feel confident that 2014 holds nothing but good things to come.

Nothing is ever perfect but there were so many amazing memories I will love to look back on in 2013. It will always be a very special year for our family.We are looking forward to our adventures together in the new year!

Here's to a happy and healthy 2014 for you and your family! 

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