I can't believe it my dear, the year has passed and watching quietly from my perch, you have gone from a happy go lucky baby to an energetic, opinionated toddler.
The year brought major challenges and triumphs. The "terrible twos" actually started around a year and a half and the tantrums were pretty grusome in the beginning, mostly becasue I didn't know how to handle them. Defiance and testing boundaries has also become a common occurance and major challenge for me to learn how to discipline while nurturing and making teachable moments. I hope I am doing my best to teach you the reasoning behind why you need to do certain things, even if you don't want to do them.
The triumphs have been nothing sort of amazing as I have gone from steadying you while you walk to you now confidently taking off running down the sidewalk. You moved from the "binki" and the bottle to feeding yourself with a fork (sometimes) and drinking from a big girl cup. We have also hit a major potty training milestone (going to the potty unassisted at daycare!) You are happy to go at school but home is another story. We're working on it, but either way I am so thrilled you are moving forward!
Besides the obvious physical triuphs, you continue to amaze me with your brilliant mind. You catch onto concepts so easily, like up and down, empty and full. You know a lot of shapes and colors and we are starting to work on identifying ABCs and numbers! You like to "read" books to us right after we read them to you (aka you memorize what we just read and say it back to us.) You know about a dozen songs and love to sing them in the car.
Besides your amazing mind is your incredible sense of adventure. You will try anything once and love being flipped and thrown in the air (courtesy of daddy as mommy stands by watching in stunned horror.) Ever since you learned how to jump, you will not stop and it's one of your greatest joys. You delight in the simple things. You love collecting rocks and transporting them in your pockets or dump truck. You love being outside and going on "nature walks" which we do frequently. I hope you never lose your love of nature. I am going to encourage and support it as much as I can (even if it means venturing outside in 80+ degree heat.)
You are an outgoing, social butterfly in some situations, but are shy and quiet in others, It's so fun to see you become comfortable with your surroundings and go from a quiet wall flower to an energetic attention seeker.
Some Highlights from the year:
My cell phone camera is always on ther verge of photographic meltdown so I did not capture nearly enough of our adventures (in my opinion) but these are the most memorable.
The day after your first birthday hanging out in your first kiddie pool!
Hanging out with your cousin
First little pony tail!
4th of July
First trip to the beach!
First pony ride!
Visit with Santa (you would not sit with him without me)
Halloween! Little Red Ridding hood!
Playing in the leaves
First "flight"
First trip to the aquarium!
First real romp in the snow
First time flying a kite!
First Easter egg hunt!
First gymnastics class!
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