Friday, July 24, 2015


Once again it happened, my kid turned another year older. I reread my post from her 2 year old birthday and it seemed like that birthday was just yesterday. It seems time has merged into the fast lane and I have little chance of catching up with it. Maybe it’s a good thing since I can’t seem to remember my age for the life of me, I’ve given up on holding onto my own youth, but find myself now chasing after Emma’s. It’s been quite a year. A talkative 2 year old grew into a three year old who needs to know how things work and understand the concept behind something. I can no longer just tell her the neighbor is mowing his lawn, I have to explain that grass grows and how it grows and how as a community we are responsible for keeping that growth under control. The “whys” seem never ending but I love them. I want her to question everything and everyone. She also grasps concepts quickly and her vocabulary is out of control. She speaks like an adult most of the time. The other day she looked up from eating and exclaimed, "This sandwich is fantastic!" And now she uses fantastic to describe everything...and I love it! 

She also has a really goof sense of humor. She makes funny voices and loves playing goofy games were we make up ridiculous words.I mean who sticks crayons in their toes on an hour long car ride...yeah my kid :)

Three seems to also be the age when independence and defiance set in. I am beginning to understand I have to let go a little bit more and let her make mistakes on her own in order to learn. I do this to a point, only telling her no when danger is involved, which of course it’s involved in everything she wants to do. Run across the street, jump down a set of concrete stairs, stick play doh up her nose, jump off the highest point at the playground…the boundary pushing seems to never stop. I feel like these next few years will turn me into more of a veteran mom. I’m at least hoping I can make it through the mental toddler minefields. 

Three also brought the glorious potty training (well more like 2.5 or so)! There are still kinks to work out…yes you always have to wash your hands, no it’s not sanitary to bring food into the bathroom, put your pants on when you are done, and so on. She still wears a pull-up on every night but one diaper a night verses 10-12 in a day from when she was a newborn…I’ll take it. Her father has been the champion of introducing new independence for her. I was very worried and nervous to change over her crib into a big girl bed and was surprised that daddy took the lead and one day when I came home from the store, the crib was no more. I know we could not leave her in there forever but I winced inside as that part of babyhood was gone forever. Her dad has also been really great at working with her to get herself dressed and brush her teeth by herself. I had been setting out her outfits for the week since she was born mostly because it was one less thing to have to do in the morning as we ran out the door. Well dada convinced me to give that up, one less thing for me to do and one more opportunity for Emma to gain independence and pick out her own outfits. I really thought I would be the one pushing for her to do more on her own but I guess a part of me wants to baby her forever (plus it is WAY faster to get out the door if I get her dressed ect.) I know that these little pieces of independence are going to add up to not needing mommy anymore which is simultaneously wonderful and sad.

That all being said, here are some firsts and favorites from year two:

First Plane Ride:

First time Ice Skating:

First time going to a new school:

First school pageant:

First time going fishing (mommy’s first time too):

First time going on a Farris Wheel:

First time seeing fireworks (didn't get a picture but it DID happen!)

First Baseball game:

Love playing outside:

Love doing arts and crafts:

Love cooking/ baking:

Love playing instruments:

Love being a superhero:

Love Trucks:

Love gymnastics:

Love Family:

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