Well folks we haven’t discussed behavioral issues around these parts for a while so I guess we are overdue. To cut to the chase, basically, Emma is getting up in the middle of the night every night. I think she is in a phase where she is scared of the dark/ monsters but it has gotten so bad I am at a loss for what to do about it.
We changed her crib to a big girl bed a few months back and everything was going ok until probably the end of July. Ever since then, every night she has been getting out of her bed and either sleeping on the couch in the living room, bringing one of the dogs into her room to sleep, or coming into our room to get in our bed. We have had many, MANY discussions about the whole thing. She knows not to get out of bed. We have discussed at length the fact that monsters are not real. We originally also went back and forth about having a pull up on her at night but finally decided after changing wet sheets for several nights in a row that the pull up needed to stay on. She is comfortable with it on but that problem persists.
We got her one of those pillows that lights up and that seemed to work for a while but all of a sudden it was not enough to “keep the monsters away.” So we got her a little lamp. All that seemed to do was ensure she was wide awake in the wee hours. And I am now at my wits end. I am exhausted and sleep deprived and there seems to be no end in sight. We are going to see about getting a smaller night light to see if that works but after that I have no clue what to do. Everything I have read says just to walk the kid back to their bed until they get the hint. Well I’m hoping my kid will get the hint before college because I can’t live like this for the rest of my life and I know not getting an uninterrupted night of rest is not healthy for Emma.
Has anyone gone through this? Any recommendations?
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