Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Importance of Being Emma

This world can truly be a scary place. It’s full of many tough challenges and amazing feats. Anyone can go through the highest of highs and lowest of lows and it is tough navigating your way through it all and staying true to who you are. It’s called being a member of humanity.  As children we have the amazing ability to be 100% ourselves and somehow we seem to lose that along the way. 

With her first birthday approaching, I wanted to write to her about never losing sight of who she is and always staring down defeat or adversity to come out strong on the other side. Even though she is just a year old I already see many amazing qualities she has that she can use to overcome hardships later in life and I want her to know that she can lean on them whenever she feels herself getting down.  As a child, she possesses qualities that she might forget along the way, but I am writing this for her to remember what she was like and how preserving  these parts of her will help her along her path in life:

Her Sense of Humor
Always remember dear Emma, the importance of using your sense of humor. You find amusement in the little things and you know how to make others laugh. Never forget this. If you or someone else is in need remember your sense of humor and laugh it out!

Her Curiosity
Always remember to be curious. Never take anything for face value. Always dig deeper, ask questions, wonder. This quality leads to questions which lead to knowledge which can eventually lead to understanding so never give it up.

Her Desire for Adventure
Always have a desire for adventure. Part of what it means to live is to seek adventure. Go someplace different, try something new, you never know where an adventure will take you or what you will learn about yourself and the world along the way.

Her Love of Animals
Always love and respect nature, especially your furry friends. Growing up with four dogs to love and play with is an amazing opportunity to have. Learn from their their loyalty and caring natures and remember that is the same for all living things. 

Her Determination
Never give up! Just like you pulled the blanket off the couch to get to the remote, never give up on goals you set or on difficult situations. Having determination will move you mountains.

Her lack of caring what others think
Never care what others think! I know this will be a hard one someday but just know at the core of who you are, there was a time when you walked around with a plastic toy on your head and you were proud of it.

Her Love of Dance
Always dance! I know it might seem crazy or the timing might seem inappropriate, but just do it. Turn on a good tune and just let it rip!

Her Healthy Eating
Always Eat your veggies! Sweets are fun too but make sure to seek out fun and fulfilling foods. 

Her Friendly Nature/ Acceptance of Others
Always be accepting of others. This will be hard as you get older because some people are difficult to tolerate (I might be one of them at times) but just know that everyone has a reason why they behave like they do. Not all of them will be warranted, but some might and some reasons might not be obvious so try your best to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Her Patience
Always try to have patience. Things might seem like way beyond your control from time to time, but do your best to have patience, take the time you need and give others the time they need. You are a very patient line waiter and are able to devote lots of concentration to the smallest of things. Those are too important things never to lose!

I want her to know that no matter how people try to change her or what society says she should do, that she is her own person. She is Emma. And she should always remember the importance of being Emma.

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