Little Red Ridding Hood, Grandma, and the Big Bad Wolf!!!
The idea came to me through a bunch of costume searches. I was super excited that Emma's dad was able to get off work thus completing the ensemble. I have to tell you though, just as you might of heard through the many online publications, I was pretty disappointed in the selection of little red ridding hood costumes for little girls. I seriously was not about to dress my toddler in anything that even remotely resembled a corset, yet search after search that's exactly what I found. COME ON PEOPLE a little girl's dress with a red cape...not hard to put together. So I did what any ticked off mother would do, boycotted the crap and turned to etsy. There were a lot of lovely options but as is expected everything was a bit pricey, so I rolled up my sleeves and dusted off the old sewing machine. Let me tell you I have not made anything more complicated than curtains or pillows but in the name of all that is good and awesome I knew what I had to do. One fabric store trip later and I was a little more than apprehensive for the possibilities of what was to come...
Two weeks later... I went crying to my mother-in-law admitting I was in over my head. She graciously swooped in and dazzled us all....
I was super excited with the outcome (I mostly made the cape all by myself so yay for that.)
With our age appropriate little red and our thrift store grandma/ wolf finds we were ready to set out on our first real trick or treating adventure!
Last year I was not blogging by Halloween but hubs was working so Emma and I stopped by my mom's to get some pictures. You might recognize them..
This year we had a full schedule as my mom requested our presence. We made our way over to her house through rush hour to go to a block party in her neighborhood. We then met up with our friends in another neighborhood with a street that was blocked off. Each house had a bunch of amazing decorations. I t was really quite the display. I didn't have any thoughts of grandeur about how the experience would turn out since the entire evening's events took place after Emma's bed time. She didn't have any major meltdowns but the street was so packed with people that I was scared if I let her walk around she would get trampled or lost. So we took turns carrying her up to houses.
It was fun to see so many different costumes in one place but sooooo many people meant soooo little candy. I understood though with so many kids each house could only gave out one piece per kid. It was still a fun experience although I think next year we will hit up a neighborhood that is family friendly but not flooded with people.
Overall Emma had a good time pointing at the decorations and then when we got home she suddenly realized she had candy! She ran over to her basket and ooooed and aaaaahhhed and waved her treasures in the air. We kept a few lollipops for later and gave away the rest. All in all we had a very Happy Halloween! Hope you and yours had a great one!
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