Sunday, November 17, 2013

Leaving 30 Behind

I honestly never thought I’d be here, on the other side of 30. I seriously feel like I’m still 25 (ok well to be really honest, 15) sometimes. There's no shaking the Peter Pan syndrome for me. I will always and forever be a kid/ teenager inside, which I have been told should worry me and for which I should seek therapy. But for now, I roll my eyes at the neigh sayers. I am holding onto remembering what it was like to be a child as I relive it through my on daughter’s childhood. I don’t think I will ever be able to stop finding the magic in things or having an overly active imagination. I’m a writer, that’s what we have to live with and honestly I love it.
To get on with it though, I’ve read in more than one place and heard more than one person say that you really figure it all out in your 30s, that it all magically comes together. Up until 2 years ago I would have told you that was all hogwash.  My late 20s were spent working in stressful/ overly qualified jobs and wondering if I would ever meet someone I could share my life with. Toward the end the later happened and then I got the wonderful, unexpected surprise of motherhood. Then came the growing pains of new motherhood and still worrying about having a successful career and more importantly what my place was in the world. It has always been a big deal for me to figure out how I was going to change the world, how I was going to do something so epic it would change the way people saw the world. I was still figuring it all out.
Yet somehow, in this, my 30th year, my career took off, I got a solid hold on this parenting thing (sort of) and I finally started feeling confident in my writing. I soon figured out how I could change the world on a much smaller yet still satisfying scale. I came to peace with that which had tormented me for years. I had a true revelation on what my purpose was and I am now focused more than ever on creating success in my career, in my writing, and in my family life. Everything hasn’t come sharply into focus yet, but I have a better idea and understanding of the general path of my life and even more than that, I feel comfortable and happy where I am at this time in my life.
I have loads to still look forward to and so much more development as a person to go through and I am patiently excited to experience it all. I kind of have a big announcement to make (I’ll deflate some of your excitement right now, we are not expecting) that I am excited to share with all of you as soon as it fleshes out. Until then CHEERS for my early thirties, here’s to diving head first into my new adventures!

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