Friday, June 14, 2013

“Sh*t Ain’t Cheap”: Five Lessons my Husband Learned from His First Year of Fatherhood

Father’s day is almost here! So far, I have looked back at my first year as a mom and Emma’s first year as a growing tot, so it’s only fair that I take a moment to look back on my husband’s first year as a dad. It is not his first father’s day, but last father’s day he was only a two week veteran. There was a whirl win of postpartum emotions (yeah those being from me) and no sleep and trying to figure everything out. So now that he has changed a few more diapers, watched a few more cartoons, calmed more tantrums, and snuggled a few more snuggles, he has definitely earned his daddy stripes. I’m so glad Emma has a dad who is a hard working, goal oriented family man. Emma is definitely a daddy’s girl and even though she said “mama” first, guess what she says all the time now? Yup, “dada.” She gets so excited when he comes home. She runs to him with her arms wide open every night and it melts my heart.

So without further adue, here is what Thomas told me he learned from his first year as a dad:

Extreme patience
Just when you think everything is calm and you have everything figured out something new happens. Emma is growing and changing everyday and I have to learn to be patient with her and try to understand her needs while balancing my own. She is adorable though, even when she is crabby. I think it’s the cutest thing in the world.

The Work Never Stops
I work over 50 hours a week to provide for my family. Every day I come home and help out around the house in some way. The work is never ending but it is all worth it. Whether it’s putting toys together or washing her bottles every night, if what I do brings a smile to her face I know it was all worth it. I do it because I love my family and I would do anything to ensure their safety and well being.

Sh*t Ain’t Cheap
Diapers, formula, and daycare, the triple threat…to my wallet. Here’s another cost that sneaks up on you…children’s shoes! Freakin expensive! But I know one day she will be taking care of me and I want to make sure she has everything she needs to succeed.

(On having a girl) I didn’t know what to expect, I grew up with 4 brothers.
It’s a whole new world for me, having a girl. Growing up as one of five boys all I was exposed to were sports and stinky shoes. I hope Emma enjoys sports and shares my passion with me. If she doesn’t I will learn to like ballet I guess, or whatever it is she’s into.  

She amazes me with every milestone she achieves
It amazes me to see her developing so quickly. It seems like she just started walking one day, just like that and now she is picking up so many words I can’t believe it! I really need to make sure I watch what I say. It’s always a surprise what she comes up with next but I like the excitement of surprises so keep them coming!

Happy Father’s Day everyone! What are your plans this father’s day?

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