Thursday, August 21, 2014

Summer Recap

It might be a bit early to do a summer recap but, like I said before, we have not been all gloom and doom around here. This summer flew by and it has been a lot different than last summer. Rather than planning a lot of epic events, we had a few big, exciting adventures and kept it close to home the rest of the time. Looking back, I wish I had written about each experience on its own, but situations were what they were and so I present to you our summer photo montage:

We did a quick trip to the zoo...

We hung around….

We selfied….

We played in water…yes that's two grown men lounging in a baby pool...

We looked at water…

Someone turned 2...

Someone turned 32…

Emma rode on a plane for the first time (not too much fun. do not be fooled this was taken pre-take off)…

We played at the beach….

We hung out with Great Grandma…

We slid…

We jumped…

Stanley smiled…

We beached again…

We ate ice cream…

My Mother's Day plant grew...

We explored...

We have been going outside everyday and I love it! I am dreading winter's evil arrival. We still have a few more weeks of summer left and I am super excited to partake in joyous activities whenever we possibly can.

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