Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Unbalance

Almost exactly right after I hit the publish button on my last post every pearly word I’d written feel apart. All the gum drops and lollipops suddenly turned into evil mystery beef and terrible forgetfulness. Allow me to explain, on Tuesday I had a work meeting that ran late. I knew I would be staying late (it was only a half hour so no big deal). Well the gates of hell unleashed themselves on my otherwise “balanced” work day and I found myself breathlessly running back and forth to meetings and responding to emails with a furry. My lunch LOOKED nice, it really did. Sadly even I am not proficient enough in multitasking to hold a phone, type an email, and hold a fork in my hand. Maybe I should try packing some toddler fruit and veggie pouches for my lunch from now on. Or something I can sip through a straw at least.

After the mayhem of the day began to wind down, I went to my meeting, which ran over. Then I headed over to see my boss to put out a small fire that somehow had continued to smolder all day. After leaving this spirit boosting meeting, my stress level had reached def con 5. All I could do was think about how many things still needed to get done, how I was late picking up Emma, and how I wanted to hate my past self for not getting gas in the car yesterday. I was sweaty and red faced as I set out on my long journey across three buildings to get to my empty tanked car. I had my gym bag, my purse, my coat that I couldn't manage to put on because I was burning up, and my light and easily maneuverable (mmmhmmm) computer bag.  

I let out a small sigh of relief as I finally neared the door only to be hit with the realization that I left Emma’s sippy cup in the fridge by my desk, one building and 3 floors away. Let me momentarily interject and explain that Emma’s milk sippy cup is the KEY to a peaceful car ride home (that and some form of a snack.) Otherwise it is a major scream fest, one I knew I could not handle on this particular day.  I decided my ears and nerves would have to just deal because I could not return into the belly of the beast with my menagerie of bag lady accessories. 

I shuffled off to the elevators and found out only one was working. When it finally got to me, I politely but firmly made my way in only to be greeted with the uncanny smell of mystery beef from the cafeteria. Yes, someone must have eaten the mystery beef.  I was acutely aware of this fact because mystery beef from the cafeteria leaves such a repugnant odor that one cannot possibly misidentify it within several feet of the consumer. This I had to endure for 3 miserable floors. Finally, I made it out into the fresh air and turned on my car. Ah yes! Sweet relief! I was finally free to get Emma and go home! And then I turned the key…only to remember that I forgot I had ZERO gas left. Grand. I ended up swinging by to get Emma and finally get gas and was actually treated to an ok car ride home. 

I know this will by no means be an everyday occurrence but with a new job and more responsibilities it means I will have to be prepared for the possibility of unbalance but hopefully not mystery beef.

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