Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What Should Be an Easter Post

Ah yes folks Easter weekend has come and gone and I barely have any pictures (much less sanity) to show for it. We had a great time visiting with family. We colored Easter eggs, enjoyed the nice weather, and ate a little bit too much ham. It was all so glorious. But rather than dive into my usual lengthy description of the book my mom gifted Emma that pissed me off or the new helicopter toy Emma would not put down at Easter dinner (that played a fun little tune – insert eye roll here) or how we FINALLY got Frozen on dvd and I can’t wait to watch it again... I am going to let you imagine how those blips in my weekend went. Sorry, no fun stories or any of that. Why? Simply put, I am tired.

I am barely squinting through my slivery open eye slits right now.  My head is heavy and fuzzy. Concentration is nearly non-existent.  I am ready to Rip Van Winkle my way outa here right now. And I know what the problem is. I can pin point it exactly… I am over scheduling myself. Yes, as a lover of fun, hater of chores, and overall slob in my personal life (not work life), I end up with too much on my plate each week. Part of my problem stems from a childhood of always wanting to experience fun, new things and not getting too many opportunities do to that. So I feel like now, with every extra second I get on the weekends, I need to have at least one epic adventure planned with random bits of fun sprinkled in-between. (This also comes as a result of working mom guilt. As in, when I finally have time to be with my child I want to do something amazing to make the most of our time together.) That leaves chores and other appalling adult responsibilities dangling in the wind, hanging on for dear life, yet demanding their fair share of my time. 

Take for instance my insufferable relationship with laundry. If I am not on my game, which is most weekends, I leave the bulk of the work for Sunday right around 4pm. More often than not we are just getting home from an adventure after which I am deathly exhausted and my body is ready to collapse. And yet, there I go torturing myself with more lifting and folding and scooping. Buying groceries also gets haphazardly thrown in there at some point during the weekend, as does any sort of meal prep for the week. Not to mention clothing organization (aka laying out Emma’s/ my clothes for the week ahead of time <-- huge lifesaver.) Then sometimes (but not often enough) the dogs need baths or food or a walk or something. Squeezing all of that around epic adventures is exhausting. 

Now given that information, I have no idea WHY I decided this past weekend (yes Easter weekend) was when I HAD to start spring cleaning. I’m not going to sugar coat it, cleaning my house falls to the bottom of the priority list every time so I guess it is no surprise that I finally started becoming disgusted with the state of things around the house. I also somehow worked it out in my head that cleaning and organizing Emma’s toys was the number one thing that needed to get done. And I figured since we did not have “that much to do” on Saturday (other than to go see my family for Easter) or Sunday (go see his mom for Easter) that this weekend would be the perfect time to get things done. So there I was at 8am on Saturday, disinfecting wipes in hand ready to go. Several hours and one bewildered husband later, I had made it through the living room and dining room…that was it. I didn’t even touch the kitchen or our rooms which are in serious need of attention as well.  After waving the white flag of defeat, we retreated to the park for an hour before lunch and nap. The rest of the weekend flashed by in a back to back sequence that left me staring at the same mound of laundry I seem to see every Sunday night without fail. 

So here I am, trying to figure it out. It’s finally play outside weather and I refuse to spend my weekends inside cleaning but it seems like I have to give a little. So I’m turning to you all out there. How do you find time to clean? Can I somehow sneak it into my work week? That’s what I’m heading towards I guess until I win the lottery and can afford a maid service.

Also since I am not all about complaining about ridiculous but necessary adult responsibilities, here are some sweet pictures of Emma enjoying her Easter basket. Hope you and your family had a great Easter!

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