Thursday, February 7, 2013

Shout Out to My SAHMs

After looking over my nod to WAHMs I realized that I held them up on my mommy pedestal without mentioning my SAHM peeps. I in no way wanted it to come across like I do not bow down to the awesomeness of SAHMs. I really only have 2 ½ months of stay at home time under my belt, two months of which I was recovering from an unwanted but necessary C-section. So really I have very VERY little true knowledge of what it takes to be at home every day raising my child.

I vaguely remember settling into a daily routine. I do remember needing to get out of the house at least once a day. It was summer time so I was lucky enough to be able to go for walks with Emma. I would get coffee in the morning and we would walk along the bike path to the park and watch the other kids play (see below). 

It was nice to be able to run errands during the week, but that was with a mostly mundane baby. I could not wait for my husband to come home to take over baby duties. It was also nice engaging in some adult conversation too, even if it did involve recounting the number of poopy diapers and how many times I cleaned up spit-up.

I do remember instead of sleeping when the baby slept I would wash everything. I had a cereal napper, as in frequent but brief naps, so when I did get a minute to do something it was rushed. Showers came few and far between. Meals were consumed haphazardly and nights were a marathon of diapers and feedings.

Since my short stay at home stint happened during the summer, we were fortunate enough to get not one, but two major storms that knocked out the power for a week each. No ac with a baby and nowhere to plug in a breast pump was less than ideal. I ended up spending most of that time wherever I could find an establishment with air conditioning and constantly worrying about my milk supply.

But everything I went through seems so small now. Nothing compared to those dedicated moms who forgo lunches that do not involve a food fights and conversations that only involve Disney characters. My position in mommyland is a back and forth battle between envy and relief. Had things worked out differently, had my OB not told me I could not get pregnant, had I been prepared for this adventure, then maybe I would not be sharing a miniscule knowledge of such an admirable life choice. But things worked out like they did and my family’s happy and healthy and I will always have a place in my heart for SAHMs.

Let’s here from you SAHMs! Tell us what it’s really like! I am but a humble little grasshopper. 

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