Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lessons We Learned from Swim Class

Now that swim class has wrapped up I wanted to take a look back to see what we learned. Overall the experience was thrilling for me and somewhat amusing for Emma. I’m not sure she knew what was going on or the real purpose of the whole thing but she did get to enjoy chewing on some rubber duckies!

She started off slightly unsure of the big pool. Mommy and daddy can’t fit in her little bath tub so having both of us submerged with her was a new experience. By her second class she seemed to be more comfortable with the water. She actually did learn to reach her arms out to chase after a ball to simulate how she would be reaching her arms out to swim. She also became more comfortable extending her legs behind her as we moved through the water, another good foundation for swimming. She was also able to lean forward off the side and “jump” into the water into daddy’s arms. This only happened two times really but she seemed ok with it. I mean she is just a 9 month old. I did not have Missy Franklin expectations for her first swim class or really any other swimming event ever in her life to come. My reasoning behind taking the class was really threefold.

 1.     Her cousins were taking the class so some cousin bonding     time is always good
       2.     We all needed to get out of the house on the weekends during this never ending winter
       3.     To get her comfortable with the water

All in all I feel as though she did get comfortable with the water. If I had it to do again, I think that maybe we would have waited until next year to start her in the class (her cousin is 11 months older and was able to do more/ understand sort of what was going on.) I guess part of the reason I jumped the gun is because I am not a strong swimmer so I wanted a better swimming experience for my little. I also want to give her every opportunity to be exposed to a variety of different learning experiences and environments. Working out of the home gives me less time with Emma so rather than enjoy these kinds of mommy and me activities during the week it is nice to spend time together out of the house not running errands. I am not trying to defend my decision to put her in swim class I am trying to explain why I did what I did. I don’t consider myself a helicopter parent or a disciple of attachment parenting. I consider myself a mommy that likes to march in the fun parade, in fact I am the lead baton twirler of fun so either grab a glittery cape and march with me or don’t but don’t be a sideline sitting judger!  

Have you done a swim class with your child? How old where they? How did they do in the class? What age do you recommend enrolling in a swim class?

For more on our swim class adventures and a peak into my hectic Sunday schedule check out my old college roommate and now fellow mommy blogger’s page: Dimples About Life Be sure to follow her on Twitter @DimplesAbtLife! She posts such cute pictures of her little guy! 

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