Thursday, August 29, 2013

Finding the Perfect Halloween Costumes

Ok I know, I know what you are thinking….what and why!?!? We are 2 months away from Halloween how can anyone possibly be thinking of Halloween costumes when the pool is still open?!?! Well, not sure if you noticed it, but my profile picture on here and Twitter, yes the one of me dressed up in a matching costume with my baby, yeah that really happened and yes, I love Halloween/ dressing up/ making costumes out of random things lying around. I have pretty much had a passion for dressing up my whole life and now….I have a little mini person to dress up! WOOHOO! And she doesn’t protest what I put her in yet….double WOOHOO! So now comes the dilemma: figuring out what we will be for Halloween.  

This really is no joke, we take Halloween very seriously in the Patterson household, see photo evidence below:
 Our first year together, my husband and I dressed up as Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife, Beth. You gotta admit, hardcore awesomeness! I even made us the star "badges" out of foil.
Year two, we went as two of the characters from the super bowl commercial where there are a bunch of cutesy characters (I'm a sock monkey if you hadn't figured it out...which of course you had) get into a car and drive around having fun. Remember that? Yeah, neither did anyone else since it was October and the super bowl was in January, so we got a lot of weird looks, but it was awesome to us. And yes, homemade costumes once again!
 Last year I could not resist! I finally had a baby to coordinate outfits with (daddy was working unfortunately and I'm not sure if I would have been able to sell him on the whole ladybug idea). Emma had a store bought costume which was fine but, I was not too impressed with the adult versions of a ladybug costume (6 months after giving birth I was not about to shimmy into a tutu and tights with knee high boots.) So I took a trip to my trusted friend…the thrift store! The top you see was an old bed sheet that I billowed with stuffing to get the ladybug shell shape. The dots came from another bed sheet I cut up. The pants I had and the antenna my husband hand crafted out of craft store materials. All total, the costume was under $10 to put together.

Well this year, I am looking to top that! I have a few possibilities swirling around in my head and I wanted to get some input from you! I mean who wouldn’t want a hand in helping my family pick out their Halloween costumes! The reason I am asking now (in the month of August) is to give myself enough time to gather materials etc. So here are my top 5 picks for our family Halloween costumes (feel free to pitch your own idea in the comments as well):

Rock Stars: Emma is in love with her heart shaped sun glasses so I thought it would be cute to pull together some glitter and some leather and go as bad 80s hair band rock stars!  We already have the wigs from when we were Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth.

Pandas: Emma got the cutest panda hat when we went to the zoo. It is in the shape of a panda so I thought it would be super easy to get some fluffy materials to make the rest of the costume.

Mickey/ Minnie Mouse: In honor of her favorite show. We could all be mice for Halloween. This option also gives me the store bought costume flexibility I might need.

The Flintstones: This was my husband’s idea, which is cute, but I kind of feel like everyone has been there, done that.

Wonder Woman: Why not all dress up like super heroes! I am all for a bad ass family costume theme!

Ok so now it’s your turn, take a second and vote below! Let me know which costume idea you like the best!

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