Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My Better Half

With this being Thanksgiving week and all I wanted to jump on the bandwagon of thankfulness for just a bit before I go cut off someone for their parking space, run them over in the store with my shopping cart, and grab the last "must have" toy off the shelf (truly hoping you can sense the sarcasm here.) And when it came time to think about what I was most thankful for it was really easy. The person in my life who grants me the most patience and always lends more than enough helping hands, my husband. I don't talk about him on here nearly enough and I want to make sure Emma knows what a wonderfully devoted and caring person he his to both her and me. So now I will share with you just a few reasons I am thankful for my better half:

His hard work/ drive:
My husband works a lot this is true. He works between 10- 20 hours of overtime a week depending on the week. He does it all to support his family with a smile on his face and everyday I am grateful for his drive.

His help around the house:
The super, amazing man that he is even after working x amount of hours of overtime still finds the energy to come home and help clean/ cook! (He is most defiantly the better cook in this twosome.) And more often than not I give him the puppy eyes when he gets home to beg him to make some edible food because I really can't stand my own cooking.

His devotion to his daughter:
Just like it did for me, it took my husband a little while to completely grasp the whole parenting thing. Since he works so much and is away from home so much I think it took him a little bit longer, but now that he has finally come around it is the sweetest thing to see! He will try to rush home to see Emma before she goes to sleep and he takes pictures of her in the morning when he drops her off at daycare. He's gotten better at remembering what she needs and preparing for worst case scenarios.

His love of laughter:
This guy loves to laugh and certainly knows how to get a bunch of toddler giggles. I guess for some reason dad's are always funny. He is always coming up with a new way to keep his girls in stitches.

His handiness:
Broken stroller wheel, fixed it...building tv storage cabinet from scratch, nailed it (pun intended)...took scraps of a rocking chair we found on the side of the road and created a new functioning chair, yeah he did it...seriously Emma is one lucky girl come science project time.

His patience:
After several minutes of screaming I am ready to throw in the towel but he sits patiently and waits for the tantrum storm to subside. When he is in the throws of an "I need attention now dada" fit, he keeps his cool and asks what she needs. He has this quiet peacefulness about him that is soothing and something I wish I had more of.

His love of cooking:
Have I possibly mentioned this already because if I  haven't...his mushroom burgers are out of this world and his asparagus stuffed chicken to die for. He genuinely enjoys making meals and I genuinely avoid trying not to burn the house down.

There are plenty more reasons why I am thankful for my husband, but especially this year since I have been trying to focus on my career he has really stepped up. He has fully embraced his roll as a father and I think thanks in part to taking over the daycare drop offs in the mornings he truly understands all that goes into that one small part of the day. He had the foresight to take that information and apply it to the rest of the day, understanding that being a parent is a full time job and for that I thank him. I am really glad he is on my team.

Happy Thanksgiving from us here at the chaos!

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